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Why Eicrud is the Best Backend Framework for Heavy CRUD Applications

In the world of backend development, building and maintaining scalable CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) applications often involves repetitive tasks like writing controllers, managing databases, and ensuring proper security. Enter Eicrud, a cutting-edge framework that extends NestJS to simplify the entire process. Here's why Eicrud stands out as the ultimate solution for developers looking to streamline their workflows and build powerful, secure applications in record time.

1. Out-of-the-Box CRUD Services

At its core, Eicrud abstracts CRUD operations into an intuitive, ready-to-use API. This eliminates boilerplate code, saving developers countless hours of manually setting up services. With Eicrud, adding new features becomes seamless, allowing you to focus on building complex business logic instead of re-writing the same repetitive code.

2. Security First

Eicrud’s "default security" philosophy is a game-changer. By forbidding access to everything until explicitly allowed, it ensures that your application is secure by default. With robust authentication and authorization systems built-in, Eicrud makes it easy to define granular access rules, keeping your app protected from unauthorized access.

3. Unified Data Control

From database management to validation and data transformation, Eicrud provides unified control over your data pipeline. Using MikroOrm, CASL, and class-validator under the hood, the framework ensures that your entities are consistently validated, secure, and adaptable.

4. Scalability with Microservices

Whether you're building a monolithic application or planning to scale with microservices, Eicrud makes the transition painless. It offers simple configuration options that allow you to split services into microservices as needed, providing flexibility for future growth without a complete system overhaul.

5. Typed RPC Client

Eicrud's powerful RPC client delivers type safety and auto-complete, directly benefiting your front-end development. This ensures that your front-end and back-end remain synchronized, reducing bugs and speeding up development with auto-completion for API calls.

6. Rapid Development with Code Generation

The framework’s CLI is another highlight, enabling rapid code generation for production-ready applications. This automation speeds up development, leaving developers with less manual work and more time to focus on refining their products.


Eicrud is the ideal choice for developers building CRUD-heavy applications. Its opinionated structure, focus on security, microservice-friendly architecture, and powerful CLI tools make it the best framework for scaling applications without the hassle of repetitive coding. Whether you're working on a small project or an enterprise-level system, Eicrud ensures faster development and easier maintenance.

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