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Why Choose Eicrud Over Just NestJS?

While NestJS is a powerful and flexible framework for building scalable Node.js applications, it leaves many architectural decisions up to the developer. Enter Eicrud, an opinionated framework built on top of NestJS, designed to streamline and supercharge the process of building CRUD-heavy applications. Here’s why you might want to choose Eicrud over vanilla NestJS:

1. Focus on CRUD Optimization

Eicrud is laser-focused on simplifying CRUD operations. With NestJS, you have to manually set up controllers, services, and database logic for every entity. Eicrud abstracts this into a single, ready-to-use API, saving you from repetitive boilerplate code and making it far quicker to spin up fully functional CRUD services.

2. "Default Security" Philosophy

While NestJS gives you freedom over security implementations, Eicrud is more opinionated and enforces a "secure by default" approach. Everything is locked down until explicitly allowed, ensuring that access control is built in from the start. This simplifies the process of setting up secure authentication and authorization for your resources.

3. Unified Data Handling

NestJS requires you to manually define and wire up database control and data transfer objects (DTOs). Eicrud centralizes this, combining validation, transformation, and database schemas in one place. This tight integration reduces complexity and improves code readability.

4. Out-of-the-Box Microservices Support

Eicrud goes beyond NestJS by making it easy to transition from a monolithic structure to microservices. With just a few configurations, you can break your application into smaller, manageable services. NestJS supports microservices, but Eicrud’s more opinionated approach makes the process smoother and faster.

5. Code Generation and Automation

With NestJS, you have the flexibility to handcraft everything. Eicrud, on the other hand, comes with a powerful CLI that automates code generation, helping you quickly set up production-ready components without starting from scratch. This lets you focus on building complex features instead of manually writing foundational code.


If you love the flexibility of NestJS but want a more opinionated framework that simplifies CRUD operations, enforces default security, and accelerates development, Eicrud is the ideal choice. It offers all the power of NestJS with additional layers of abstraction and automation, making it the perfect tool for building scalable, secure applications faster.

⚡ The Next Generation Node.js Framework ⚡